Publicity Secrets

Work Shop Description:

Today's Business Environment requires tenacity as well as creativity. An essential component is publicity in the form of news about your products and services (or your client's products and services). There is a tremendous difference in terms of perception and cost between advertising and publicity.

People pay attention to news - when do you get that all important snack during the Superbowl? Yes, during the commercial. In a world where TIVO (r) zaps commercials, getting the word out effectively is a challenge. Richard Solomon knows the secrets and has been featured in the Sunday New York Times, network television, and numerous radio shows and will show you his own publicity secrets.

Expected Learning Outcomes:

The audience will learn how to contact the media, use "hooks" to grab the attention of producers, and learn the inside secrets to radio to give an effective talk that does not sound like an infomercial. Audience members will learn how to pitch ideas and develop press kits.

Target Audience:

Managers, sales force personnel, brand managers, authors, inventors, experts, doctors, accountants, lawyers, business developers. Anyone or any business with a website that needs to increase visitors and to convert onlookers into purchasers.

Course materials:

Power point presentation - the coursebook is contained on a bonus audio cd (I will provide the master; the seminar organizers will duplicate and distribute in advance of the event or if possible, I will provide the audio material as a download on a "hidden" domain)

Presentation Method:

Power point driven dynamic live interactive lecture. Can also be a hands on workshop to train small groups on how to give a radio or television interview.

Length of Workshop:

Lecture is one hour.

The Workshop Option is a one hour lecture followed by smaller coaching sessions. These sessions will depend on the size of the groups but range from one hour to a half-day.

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