Be a Great Radio Guest

Work Shop Description:

One of the most cost effective ways to promote your business, product or service is to be an expert radio guest. Each month radio stations need thousands of guests to provide insightful tips and strategies for their listeners. Learn the secrets from an experienced radio insider to becoming a great guest.

Expected Learning Outcomes:

Audience members will learn how to sound like a radio professional.

Target Audience:

Anyone wishing to promote a product, business, or service.

Course Materials:

Power point presentation - accompanied by audio files. For longer sessions: mock radio reviews.

Presentation Method:

Power point driven dynamic live interactive lecture. Can also be a hands on workshop to train small groups on how to give a radio interview.

Length of Workshop:

Lecture is one hour.

Workshop is a one hour lecture followed by smaller coaching sessions. These sessions will depend on the size of the groups but range from one hour to a half-day.

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Issue No. Four : 05/08/2005

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Bio & Press

Radio Guest Appearances

Speaking Services

See Rich In Action



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